The Middle Path

Aayushee Garg
3 min readJan 7, 2022


Photo by Alexander Milo on Unsplash

To empathise with people is always considered good quality. We all want people to understand what we are going through, and hence, subconsciously, we enjoy the presence of those who serve as pillars of support when we are traversing tricky waters.

Empaths are people who can perceive and cognise the energy of others and hence cooperate with or provide support to them. The catch is that though the empaths resonate with the level of energy the others at which are vibrating, they might also start resonating at that energetic level themselves.

However understanding empaths might be towards others, they are almost always suffering from unwanted drainage of energy that is often unknown to them until it grows into untraceable anxiety. From the words and actions of others, empaths often subconsciously pick up negative energy and find it difficult to brush it off.

To channel this flow of energy, emotionally available, friendly, and open people need to be vigilant. The power an empath inadvertently picks up is not alien to her. It is only a part of her self projected outside. Since the empath has not yet found an outlet for this part’s expression, that part feels neglected and is pushed into the dark and, in turn, seeks attention. Hence, brushing this part away and replacing it with a coping mechanism only makes the demon grow stronger.

Let’s look at the cause of the drainage of energy. It is essential to investigate the areas where the empaths spend most of their power, not in places or localities but rather in mindsets or mentalities. Empaths tend to feel overburdened with all the world’s sadness and grief, death and destruction. Therefore, they often resort to pleasing people around them — beginning with their immediate connections. It results from an unconscious belief pattern that could be detrimental to themselves in the long run. In doing so, they often might strike a rough patch.

At one point, being tired of the sundry thoughts that keep playing on the mind of an empath like a despicable song on loop in one’s ears, the empath decides to detach herself from the world altogether. An increase in introversion and aloofness found in this generation is due to this. The empath might feel lonely and want to create a shell for herself with high fences around. In this way, she might think that she has been able to escape the problem with connections and relationships. The reality is far from this belief, however.

Humans thrive on connection. No man is an island. There is a possible pitfall in believing that detachment from others is the way to get rid of all the troubles. One can physically rid oneself of the relations one has at a physical level, but one cannot flee from one’s mind, which has slowly and steadily turned into a hell of its own accord. The Mind could even be converted into a palace — a paradise instead — for creativity.

Detached empathy could be an alternative. It would require one to understand the layers of the psyche and how they function. It might help to consider the idea that probably all of us live in belief bubbles of our own. We accept what is conducive to our beliefs, notions, and concepts on which we have built our lofty egos. Whatever seems to be dangerous to the scaffolding of our egos, whatever appears to collapse them, creates fear in us. At the subtlest level, these fears are as irrational and imaginary as the egos themselves; however, at a transactional level, they need to address a middle path of detached or vigilant empathy could be considered.

One could begin by observing the feelings and emotions one experiences as one indulges in interacting with the world.

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Aayushee Garg

Aayushee Garg is an educator and creative writer based out of India. She writes about literature and life.